We’re supposed to believe that Joe Biden, who had about 30 people at his Wisconsin “rally,” got more votes than Barack Obama? Vocation Videos. Rosary for Life. After he posted the video calling on election fraud inside the Philadelphia counting center the man was escorted from the building. In Michigan 38,000 ballots were delivered at 3.45 AM, and Republicans were prevented from counting. However, after they had left the counting of ballots continued... in secret! This software was used in 47 Michigan counties! Controversial Pollster Frank Luntz Says He Believes Tucker Carlson is Gearing Up to Run for President. Politifact’s Madison Czopek Spreads No-Risk Misinformation about Vaccine, Fertility Risks, NPR’s Bill Chappell Assumes Interracial Disputes are Always Racism. It is clear that this election is the next attempt of the Democrat party to overthrow the real President of the United States. The number of uncounted ballots in Georgia then inexplicably jumped on Thursday morning. How did that happen? Like Saquon Barkley’s routine, McCaffrey trains for speed and power which he defines as the two most important attributes for a running back.He spends his offseason trying to improve those two parts of his game while staying at a weight … Fetal Development. The road to freedom remained however wide open, as the people of America made it clear: we choose for Trump and freedom! In his own words. as2.src = "https://bucket1.mm-syringe.com/prod/injector/injector.1.5.3.js";
In Pennsylvania poll watchers were kept a distance of 60ft, where they had to try to check the integrity of the vote counters... with binoculars! There are many more similar cases! © 2021 The Gateway Pundit – All Rights Reserved. A girl who works at a local post office, posted on Twitter how happy she is to burn 1050 Trump ballots. Around midnight on November 3rd, as TGP reports: After we went to bed, in the early morning hours of Wednesday November 4th, the “deep state” went to work in their attempt to steal the election. We will not be silenced. Hi guys sometimes ill be showing hacked games but ill do some roblox games c; Anne Inez McCaffrey (1 April 1926 – 21 November 2011) was an American-Irish writer known for the Dragonriders of Pern science fiction series. Sign up for our free email newsletter, and we'll make sure to keep you in the loop. The list was censored, shortly after being posted. Respect Life. var iframe=window.parent.document.createElement("iframe");iframe.src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id=GTM-PL4PD49";iframe.height="0";iframe.width="0";iframe.style="display:none;visibility:hidden";window.parent.document.body.appendChild(iframe);
16 Followers, 67 Following, 2 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Brian McCaffrey Sr. (@brian.mccaffrey) As soon as voters leave the room a team of dishonest ballot-handlers is changing votes, and stuffing the ballot box. President Trump tweeted about these statistical impossibilities, and Twitter CENSORED the President’s tweet! Join Facebook to connect with Brian M Mccaffrey and others you may know. Brian Mccaffrey in Pennsylvania We found 14 records for Brian Mccaffrey in Seven Fields, Pittsburgh and 8 other cities in Pennsylvania.Select the best result to … He was portrayed by Scott Glenn, who also played J.P. Stiles in Tall Tale, Roger in Training Day and Wes in Urban Cowboy. A lady at a counting centre is filmed while she is filling in large amounts of ballots for Biden. Gen. Barry McCaffrey: "There's an Orwellian fantasty quality to what's coming out of the White House." Thank you for contacting us. It is clear that the superrich criminals who are behind all this, own the mainstream media, as they are massively collaborating in this historic scam. In the following videos you can see this network in action... Much of this evidence has been collected by Ty and Charlene Bollinger from the website 'The Truth About Cancer'. Joyful Mysteries. View the profiles of people named Brian McCaffrey. Yarn is the best search for video clips by quote. In Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin there are precincts where the total vote count exceeds the number of people registered to vote. View the profiles of people named Brian M Mccaffrey. This video shows the graph of the gradual increase of votes, both for Trump and Biden, and Trump was obviously leading in both Michigan and Wisconsin. John "Axe" Adcox is the secondary antagonist in the 1991 film Backdraft. In the following video the former New York Mayor, attorney and cybersecurity advisor Rudy Giuliani reveals how tens of thousands of dead people 'voted' for Biden... A leaked list that was put on Pastebin shows over 14,000 deceased people who allegedly voted in Detroit, Michigan. Evidence that all the data is 100% false, You want to see evidence that the election was stolen? Shortly after Raffensperger told a local television station that there were under 25,000 ballots left to count, his staff corrected the figure to 50,000 or 60,000. He is the friend of both Lieutenant Stephen McCaffrey and Brian McCaffrey, who are both brother firefighters in the Chicago Fire Department. The windows were also taped, so nobody could see what was going on inside the building. With Kurt Russell, William Baldwin, Robert De Niro, Donald Sutherland. This story is however not over, in fact it has only just begun... Knowing the warrior that President Trump is, we all understand he is not going to sit silent. In the following video General McInerne explains to former White House's chief strategist Steve Bannon how Scorecard is again being used to steal the 2020 election. @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @TeamTrump @Project_Veritas @RealJamesWoods @JamesOKeefeIII @RealCandaceO pic.twitter.com/Ouhs9DJvyi, — PhillyGodfather ® Sports Bettor (@phillygodfather) November 5, 2020, if( getParameterByName( "utm_source" ) == "testpage" ) {
A man films how he is filling out seven different ballots for Biden! Nevada USPS postal carrier caught pledging voter fraud to remove President Donald J. Trump from office. And we’re supposed to believe that Wisconsin had a nearly 90% turnout? They refused to let legal GOP counters / observers into the ballot room where the 130,000 “magical ballots” were counted. I’m observing people. Backdraft (1991) William Baldwin as Brian McCaffrey. Christian McCaffrey Workout. TRENDING: BREAKING... AZ Audit Director Ken Bennett: Dominion Refuses to Comply with Subpoena and Turn Over Password to Their Maricopa County Machines, Brian McHafferty: “I got a badge. Just like when drunk people tend to become more honest, Biden's deteriorating brain isn't always able to control his words. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. let as1 = document.createElement( "script" );
It can be shared on Facebook and Linkedin. Outreach. We have found 61 people in the UK with the name Brian Mccaffrey. Please check your email inbox to confirm your message and send it to our editorial team. Here’s a video from Delaware County, PA where a vote counter is caught filling out ballots! Brian Murphy talked about Election Day 2020 in the key battleground state of North Carolina. At the end of election night the numbers were clear: Donald Trump was leading all the way. McCaffrey Wealth Management can help you plan for & invest in their future with custom college savings plans. A ballot thief who says: “F**k Trump, you gotta do what you gotta do. Video - Spirituality Center. America had voted massively for their Freedom Fighter, who is powerfully opposing the Deep State and the globalists whose diabolical plan is to make freedom a thing of the past. Find the exact moment in a TV show, movie, or music video you want to share. On Thursday a Democrat election observer in Philadelphia confessed on video that he witnessed corruption and fraud at the Philadelphia Convention Center where they were continuing to count ballots for the presidential election. Backdraft (1991) clip with quote Brian McCaffrey? President Donald Trump referenced the incident in his remarks on Nov. 5. In Pennsylvania, the Supreme Court ruled that mail-in ballots don’t have to be signed. Unimaginably more must have happened, that wasn't caught. She confirms the likelyhood that 3% of the election results were changed using the Scorecard software. Backdraft (1991) clip with quote Brian McCaffrey, got some l.D.? Despite Michigan law which allows public observation of the vote count, in Detroit, they were covering up the windows. Easily move forward or backward to get to the perfect clip. A young woman from Michigan testifies how she received seven ballots in the mail, without her even requesting any. In Detroit, a poll watcher explains the lack of transparency and illegal actions during the vote count. This system includes an application known as SCORECARD that is capable of hacking into elections and stealing the vote. The following footage shows LIVE how indeed the numbers displayed on CNN changed before the eyes of the viewers , … document.body.appendChild( as2 );
Find the exact moment in a TV show, movie, or music video you want to share. The next morning however, something mysterious happened. Carmelite Nuns - O.Carm. Join Facebook to connect with Bryan Mccaffrey and others you may know. On Thursday a Democrat election observer in Philadelphia confessed on video that he witnessed corruption and fraud at the Philadelphia Convention Center where they were continuing to count ballots for the presidential election. What are they trying to hide? Lt. Steven McCaffrey : [Steven enters after having saved a child from the fire] Man, that was pretty crazy, huh? A man checks the Michigan Voter Information Center, and shows how William Barley, who was born in 1902, supposedly received a ballot, which was sent, received and counted for Biden. Share this page! I got a badge right here. We all understand that this is just the tiny tip of the iceberg. The most notorious 'slip of tongue' is when he publicly made the most shocking statement in the entire history of American politics: A CIA contractor, Dennis Montgomery, designed and built a powerful supercomputer system known as THE HAMMER. Evidence that all Covid data is 100% false, How Trumps vaccines prevent the Great Reset and save humanity, Why Donald Trump Will Return As President, Overview of massive voter FRAUD, to steal the election, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: scientific evidence that covid is crime against humanity, Here are good reasons why Trump may return… and Biden will be kicked out, FULL REPORT: The Plan To Control The Whole World, Proof that the pandemic was planned with a purpose. James O’Keefe with Project Veritas has been busy uncovering LOTS of voter fraud and corruption within the USPS! America don’t stand for this!”. Two Chicago firefighter brothers, who don't get along, have to work together while a dangerous arsonist is on the loose. THE BATTLE FOR HUMANITY – Dr Carrie Madej, THE FALL OF CABAL – Ending The Reign Of Evil, Top lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: ‘Pandemic is crime, we have the evidence!’. let as2 = document.createElement( "script" );
Out of the blue, suddenly almost a million votes for Biden had been added, causing Biden to be the winner. Fox Business discusses election fraud with renown attorney Sydney Powell. According to the postal worker, the supervisor instructed workers to: Votes being delivered in Wayne County, Michigan (Detroit) in the middle of the night with no oversight. With the cost of tuition & related expenses steadily rising, saving for your children's higher education may feel like an impossible or daunting feat. Fulton County delayed vote counting on Tuesday after a pipe burst at the State Farm Arena. A ballot-handler caught changing a vote on live TV…, In Detroit, a Republican attorney gets kicked out by Democratic ballot-handlers just for asking “What’s the count?”. “They will not allow us within 30 to 100 feet to supervise the ballots being counted,” poll watcher Brian Mchafferty said. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. Discover short videos related to Brian Bru McCaffrey on TikTok. Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. See what Brian McCaffrey (mccaffreybrian) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. I’ve got around 80 [stolen ballots]” and then he lights them on fire! Holy Cross Sisters - SCSC. Brian will be sadly missed by his wife son's daughters, grandchildren, father,daughter-in-law Angela, sons-in-law Kevin, Christopher, Colm and David. Brendan McCaffrey, Monaghan/Fermanagh ... Struggle for Brendan was not purely military and he also took part in the H-Block/Armagh protests and helped in the election of Hunger Striker Kieran Doherty in 1981. There are even multiple reports of... dead people voting! Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Marcia Ridley, elections supervisor at Spalding County Board of Election, said: In Nevada over 3,000 ballots were counted of people that no longer live in that state! Long before this rampant voter fraud has been investigated fully, they all rush to declare Joe Biden the new President. There’s tons of proof that these fake people had their ballots officially counted towards the election. Click here to find personal data about Brian Mccaffrey including phone numbers, addresses, directorships, electoral roll information, related property prices and other useful information. Because of Covid 19 restrictions Brian's wake and funeral will be private to family only. https://www.charactour.com/hub/characters/view/Brian.McCaffrey.Backdraft Sign up and learn how to defend yourself. Email can't be censored, so please copy the url and spread it around: https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/election. 69 Followers, 479 Following, 2 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Brian McCaffrey (@brianmccaffrey21) Bryan McCaffrey and Brian McCaffrey and others you may know of humanity and ’... Mccaffrey Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and Republicans were prevented from counting for Trump false... ( 1991 ) brian mccaffrey election video with quote Brian McCaffrey and Brian McCaffrey the next of! Your email inbox to confirm your message and send it to our editorial team “ magical ballots were... 3.45 AM, and we 'll make sure to keep you in the with. 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